Home Tuition Tutor Near Me B.Garden, Howrah

Moumita Ghosh (Code - TST-6605)

Teaching Details

Bengali, English, Hindi, All-Subjects, (Class-I-VI-Home-Tuition)

Geography, All-Subjects, (Class-VII-X-Home-Tuition)

Geography, (Class-XI-XII-Home-Tuition)

Bengali, Hindi, All-Subjects, (Nursery-Level-Tuition)

Personal Details

Age: 29 years

Gender: Female

Location: 82

Area: B.Garden

Qualification: M.Sc in Geography

Tutoring Experience: 6 years experienced B.Garden, Bakultala

Tutoring Approach: I am a teacher of english Medium School. I provide tuition all subject up to class VIII and only Geography for Class IX-XII.

Fees Expected: NA

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