Computer-IT-Tuition Tutor in B Zone, Durgapur

Suman Mukherjee (Code - TSS-179)

Teaching Details

School-level-computer, Basic-Computer-Operation, (Computer-IT-Tuition)

Personal Details

Name: Suman Mukherjee

Guardian's Name: Dipak Mukherjee & Kumkum Mukherjee

Area: B Zone

Institute: None

Styding at Grade: None

Area PIN Code: 713205

Tutoring Requirements: Looking for a tutor for my parents. They are in their 50's and i need them to become tech savvy. Requirements : basic computer usage, connecting to internet, general trouble shooting, file organization, social media and how to get good at using it, internet banking, travel bookings, emails, chat, hangouts, email settings, chat settings, video conferencing, purchasing things online through credit cards, how to register and pay credit card bills, registering for new services, password regeneration, spam filters, prints, scans etc. Hope you get the picture by now. The idea is to reduce the generation gap and get them up to speed.

Best Time to Call: anytime